AP Statistics Curriculum 2007 Preface

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General Advance-Placement (AP) Statistics Curriculum - Preface

What is this E-Book About?

The SOCR AP Statistics E-Book is developed as a free, collaborative and interactive learning environment for elementary probability and statistics education. This E-Book aims at improving motivation and presenting the statistics learning curriculum as data-driven, graphical and completely reproducible by educators, researchers and students.

The data-driven aspect of the E-Book is emphasized by providing both real-life and similated data in every section of this E-Book. The graphical and dynamic feature of the E-Book is demonstrated by the interactive nature of the materials. There is a seamless integration of software tools, learning materials and hands-on activities, each pointing to the others in a dynamic fashion. Finally, the reproducible angle of this E-Book stresses that any concept, demonstration, analysis, visualization or calculation presented or discussed in this book can be freely used, tested and reproduced by anyone, anytime and anywhere, provided access to the Internet via a modern web-browser is available.

Who is this E-Book About?

There are three basic types of users for this E-Book. Indeed, first come formal or informal learners who can utilize the E-Book for self-learning, course refreshing, statistical reference, as well as for practice of probability and statistics methods and techniques. Educators and course instructors may develop probability and statistics curricula wrapped around the materials and tools described in the E-Book. The emphesis here is to construct your own course curriculum, instead of following verbatim the exposé of this E-Book. Researchers and scientists may contribute new, revise existent, modernize and generally improve the content of the E-Book. This makes the SOCR AP Statistics E-Book a truly dynamic, community based and comprehensive resource for statistics education and distance learning.

How to use this E-Book?

Self-learners may either go chronologically through the material in the E-book, search, walk-through or read relevant material at their leasure pace and according to their (data, design or research based) needs. This can be achieved by traversing or searching the outline of the E-Book or by [[ | site-specific keyword search]].

Instructors may build their own course syllubi according to their own pedagogical goals, the student population demographics and the institutional requirements.

Scientists, investigators and experts may contribute to the material, expand the examples, provide new motivation and clarification of existent concepts or broaden the coverage of the E-Book by following these editing guidelines.

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