SOCR EduMaterials AnalysisActivities ANOVA 2

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SOCR Analyses Example on Two-Way Analysis of Variance

1. Click on "Anova Two Way" at the left panel's combo box. And then, on the right panel, first click on "Example" and next click on "Data" to retreive the demonstrated example.

The column Y is the response variable, which is treated as a quantitative variable. The columns I and J are the independent variables. (This example demonstrates a general two-way additive ANOVA model.)

2. Click on the "Mapping" button to get to the "Mapping" panel. Click on "Add" under Dependent to add Y, and click on "Add" under Independentto add I and J.

3. Next, click on "Calculate" to let the computer do the calculation. Then click on "Result" to see the results.

4. Plots are available for vewing and checking regression dignostics. Click on "Graph" to see plots.

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